Addictions Foundation of Manitoba
Thompson, MB
The Addictions Foundation of Manitoba (AFM) is a Crown agency that is committed to being a foundation of excellence in providing addictions services and supporting healthy behaviours. ...more info
Aklavik Northern Pathways Supportive Housing Program
Aklavik, NT

Brain Injury Services of Northern Ontario
Thunder Bay, ON

City of Yellowknife
Yellowknife, YT
Situated on the Northern shore of Great Slave Lake, Yellowknife is the capital of the Northwest Territories, Canada. ...more info

Elizabeth Fry Society of Northwestern Ontario
Thunder Bay, ON
The Elizabeth Fry Society of Northwestern Ontario is a non-profit organization that works with the advocates for women and women who are, have been, or may be criminalized. ...more info

Garden River First Nation
Garden River, ON
The Garden River First Nation Reserve was created in 1850 with the signing of the Robinson-Treaty. ...more info
Happy Valley-Goose Bay Housing and Homelessness Coalition
Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL
The HVGB Housing and Homelessness Coalition is a community-advisory board composed of 12-14 community members representing diverse sectors. ...more info

Hotıì ts’eeda
Yellowknife, NT
Hotıì ts'eeda is a research support centre for community members, organizations and researchers involved in Northwest Territories health and health research. ...more info

Ilisimatusarfik – University of Greenland
Nuuk, Greenland
University of Greenland is situated in the small but bustling capital city of Nuuk. ...more info

Institute for Circumpolar Health Research
Yellowknife, NT
At the ICHR we focus on: bringing together people, facilities, and resources to support health-related research in the Northwest Territories and raising health and wellness issues throughout the region’s communities and the broader circumpolar world. ...more info

K’asho Got’ine Housing Society
Fort Good Hope, NT
K’asho Got’ine Housing Society is a non-profit incorporated in 2016 to address Fort Good Hope’s housing challenges. ...more info

K’atl’odeeche First Nation
Hay River, NT

Keewatin Tribal Council
Northern Manitoba
Keewatin Tribal Council represents 11 member First Nations located in northern Manitoba. ...more info

Labrador Institute of Memorial University
Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL
The Labrador Institute is a leading centre of research, education, outreach, and policy, by and for the North. ...more info

Lakehead University
Thunder Bay, ON
Lakehead University is a comprehensive institution, which offers a broad range of degree and diploma programs within ten faculties. ...more info

Liidlii Kue First Nation
Dehcho, NT

Ma-Mow-We-Tak Friendship Centre
Thompson, MB

Manitoba Non-Profit Housing Association
Winnipeg, MB
The Manitoba Non-Profit Housing Association (MNPHA) is a membership organization of over 100 non-profit housing providers who collectively own and manage more than 24,000 affordable homes across 23 communities in Manitoba. ...more info

McGill University
Montreal, QC
McGill University is one of Canada's best-known institutions of higher learning and one of the leading universities in the world. ...more info

Memorial University
St. John's, NL

Municipalities NL
St. John's, NL
Municipalities Newfoundland & Labrador (MNL) was formed in 1951 to represent the interests of the growing number of municipal councils in the province. ...more info

Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation
Nelson House, MB

Northern Health Region
Flin Flon, MB

Northwest Territories Association of Communities
Yellowknife, NT
The NWTAC is the non-profit, non-governmental organization representing the interests of all 33 NWT communities. ...more info

Housing Northwest Territories
Yellowknife, NT
Housing NWT delivers a range of housing programs to residents of the Northwest Territories. ...more info

NWT Community Services Corporation
Yellowknife, NT
The NWT Community Services Corporation has been serving Yellowknife since 1976. We own and manage quality residential and commercial space and are the largest non-profit housing provider in Yellowknife. ...more info

Nunatsiavut Government, Department of Health and Social Development
The Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement set a precedent by including self-government provisions within the land claim. Nunatsiavut is the first of the Inuit regions in Canada to have achieved self-government. ...more info

Nunavut Housing Corporation
Iqaluit, NU
The NHC was created in 2000 through the Nunavut Legislature by the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation (Nunavut) Act. ...more info

PlanIt North
Yellowknife, NT
Based in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, PlanIt North specializes in local governance, planning and resource management. ...more info

Qaujigiartiit Health Research Centre
Iqaluit, NU
The Qaujigiartiit Health Research Centre is an independent, non-profit community research institute that was founded in 2006 by Nunavummiut, for Nunavummiut, to answer the health questions of our communities. ...more info

Ryerson University
Toronto, ON
Ryerson University is a public research university established in 1948. ...more info

University of Alaska, Anchorage (College of Health)
Anchorage, AK
The College of Health at the University of Alaska Anchorage is committed to cutting edge research that advances the health and well-being of people and communities and leads towards a healthier tomorrow. ...more info

Tłįchǫ Friendship Centre
Behchoko, NT
The Friendship Centre exists to build values, character and community for the Behchoko and surrounding communities. ...more info

University of Manitoba, Faculty of Social Work
Winnipeg, MB
The mission of the Faculty of Social Work is to pursue knowledge and provide accessible and inclusive educational programs that will advance the fields of social work practice and social policy at all levels. ...more info

University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, SK
USask is one of the top research-intensive, medical doctoral universities in Canada, and is home to world-leading research in areas of global importance, such as water and food security and infectious diseases. ...more info

Thompson, MB

Yellowknife Women’s Society
Yellowknife, NT
The Yellowknife Women’s Society is a grassroots community-based charitable organization. ...more info

Yellowknives Dene First Nation
Yellowknife, NT
The Yellowknives Dene First Nation (YKDFN) is part of the Akaitcho Territory Government. ...more info

Julia Christensen
Julia Christensen is an Associate Professor in Geography and Planning at Queen's University. ...more info

Shelagh McCartney
Shelagh McCartney is Director of +city lab and Together Design Lab, and an Associate Professor at Toronto Metropolitan University in the School of Urban and Regional Planning. ...more info

Rebecca Schiff
Rebecca Schiff is Dean of the Faculty of Human and Health Sciences at the University of Northern British Columbia. ...more info

James Caesar
James Caesar is Lead Innovator representing the K’asho Got’ine Housing Society (KGHS) located in Rádeyįlį Kǫ́ (Fort Good Hope), in the Sahtú Region of the Northwest Territories. ...more info

Anne Headrick

Mylène Riva
Mylène Riva is a Tier II Canada Research Chair in Housing, Community and Health, and cross-appointed as an Assistant Professor in the Institute for Health and Social Policy and the Department of Geography at McGill University. ...more info

Ouri Scott
Ouri Scott is a Tlicho Dene architect originally from the Northwest Territories. ...more info

Arthur Tobac
Arthur Tobac is a Director of the Ka’sho Got’ine Housing Society and is also a member of the Fort Good Hope Council. ...more info
Sandeep Agrawal
University of Alberta, Edmonton. ...more info

Trevor Bell
Trevor Bell is a geographer and University Research Professor (Memorial University of Newfoundland) whose current work focuses on climate change adaptations. ...more info

Colin R. Bonnycastle
Colin R. Bonnycastle has played an active role in community-based research in areas of domestic violence, homelessness, Northern economy and water rights in First Nations. ...more info

Marleny M. Bonnycastle
Marleny M. Bonnycastle is an Associate Professor at the University of Manitoba, Faculty of Social Work in Winnipeg. ...more info

Lori Chambers
Lori Chambers is a Professor in the Department of Women’s Studies at Lakehead University. ...more info

Kenneth Coates
Kenneth Coates is Tier I Canada Research Chair in Regional Innovation at the Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Saskatchewan campus. ...more info

Jackie Compton Hobbs
Jackie Compton Hobbs is employed with Government of Newfoundland & Labrador with the Department of Justice, and has been advocating for many years to end homelessness. ...more info

Ashlee Consolo
Ashlee Cunsolo, PhD, is a health geographer and the Director of the Labrador Institute of Memorial University. ...more info

Lee Anne Deegan
Lee Anne is currently living in Thompson, Manitoba where she teaches in the Northern Social Work Program with University of Manitoba. ...more info
Lisa Freeman
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC. ...more info

Greg Halseth
Greg Halseth is a Professor in the Geography Program at UNBC, where he is also the Canada Research Chair in Rural and Small Town Studies. ...more info

Susane Havelka
Susane Havelka’s research interests lie at the intersection of housing, community engagement and user-generated cold-climate building techniques ...more info

Travis Hay
Travis Hay is a Canadian historian and community organizer from Thunder Bay, Ontario, and teaches as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Lakehead University. ...more info

Carin Holroyd
Dr. Carin Holroyd is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Studies, University of Saskatchewan and President of the Japan Studies Association of Canada. ...more info
Judith Hughes
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB. ...more info

Carol Kauppi
Carol Kauppi, PhD is the Director of the Centre for Research in Social Justice and Policy. She is also a professor in the School of Social Work at Laurentian University and she served as the MSW Program Coordinator for several years. ...more info

Bonnie Krysowaty
Bonnie Krysowaty is a Social Researcher and Planner for the Lakehead Social Planning Council. ...more info

Linda Larcombe
L. Larcombe is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Internal Medicine, Medical Microbiology, Community Health Sciences and Adjunct with the Department of Anthropology at the University of Manitoba. ...more info

Stacey Fritz
Stacey Fritz, Phd, is a Cultural Anthropologist with the Cold Climate Housing Research Center and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory Project, based in Fairbanks, Alaska. ...more info

Pertice Moffitt
Dr. Pertice Moffitt is Manager/Instructor, Health Research Programs, Aurora Research Institute, Aurora College. ...more info

Pamela Orr
Dr. Pamela Orr is a Professor of Internal Medicine (Infectious Diseases), Medical Microbiology and Community Health at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg. ...more info
Erin Shea
Erin Shea is Manager of Homelessness and Community Planning for the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation. ...more info
Shirley Thompson
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB. ...more info

Lisa-Jo K. van den Scott
Dr. Lisa-Jo K. van den Scott is an Associate Professor of sociology at Memorial University of Newfoundland. ...more info
Jeanette Waegemakers Schiff
Dr. Jeanette Waegemakers Schiff is a full Professor in the Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary. ...more info

Eric Weissman
Eric Weissman is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Arts, Department of Social Science at the University of New Brunswick. ...more info

Christina Goldhar
Christina is a PhD Candidate in Geography and Planning at Queen's University and the Project Coordinator of At Home in the North. ...more info