Karine is a PhD Candidate in Public Health at Université de Montréal. Her research interests broadly include social determinants of health, health promotion, population health intervention research, and Indigenous health. Her thesis explores the ways in which a rehousing intervention – moving to a new house – affects the mental well-being and ‘sense of home’ of Inuit families in 12 communities in Nunavik and Nunavut, using a mixed-methods collaborative research methodology. Part of Karine’s findings have been illustrated and used as a knowledge translation tool (see here). Karine is co-supervised by Prof. Mylène Riva (McGill University) and Prof. Louise Potvin (Université de Montréal). She holds a 3-year Doctoral Research Award from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research – Priority Announcement: Research in First Nations, Métis and/or Inuit.