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Climate change is worsening the housing crisis: We must tackle the two together

February 4, 2025

In this article in Nature, Julia Christensen discusses connections between the ongoing northern housing crisis and climate change, as demonstrated by the effects of wildfires on communities within the Northwest Territories in the summers of 2023 and 2024. Read more here:

“Home has always been at the heart of our self-government”: New article in Political Geography by Aimee Pugsley, Julia Christensen and Arthur Tobac

February 4, 2025

The colonial geographies of northern and Indigenous housing have long been the focus of research attention, particularly the transformative and destructive role the assimilative power of social welfare has played in State interventions into Indigenous lives at the bodily, familial, community and national scales. Recent literature in the areas of northern and Indigenous housing has… Read More

New article by AHIN authors: Reframing Indigenous Housing Policy in Northern Canada

February 1, 2025

This review offers a critical discussion of the contemporary housing policy framework in northern Canada. The severity of housing need among Indigenous households in northern Canada has led to a ‘crisis’ framing that dominates northern policy discourse, shapes northern housing policy and programs, and ultimately undermines efforts to provide meaningful, evidenced and northern-driven housing policy…. Read More

AHIN webinar series: Presentation by Jen Otto, climate change and housing

June 20, 2023

Jen Otto is a MA Student in Geography at Memorial University and a Trebek Initiative Grantee. She’s passionate about storytelling and community-led climate change response. Jen seeks to amplify community-identified housing needs within Inuit Nunangat, with a focus on Nunatsiavut. To do so, she engages with visual storytelling to centre community voices and illustrate how these crises… Read More

AHIN webinar series: Interview with James Fulford

June 20, 2023

On May 4, 2023 At Home in the North hosted an interview with James Fulford, Associate Deputy Minister of the NWT Housing Commission. The interview was conducted by Dr. Julia Christensen and questions centered around the Strategic Renewal of the NWTHC, followed by discussion. Please see the recording of this webinar below:

AHIN Webinar series: “Houses Build People: Forging the Links between Self-building and Well-being in Canada and Greenland”, February 24, 2023

March 14, 2023

On Ferbruary 24, 2023 Dr. Susane Havelka and Hans Peter Mønsted gave a presentation on their research in Canada and Greenland. Their work focuses on the importance of self-building homes and connections between self-building and positive psycho-social outcomes. Please see the link below for a video recording of the presentation. AHIN webinar- February 24, 2023  

Housing and climate photo campaign- Call for participants!

January 24, 2023

Master’s candidate, Jenine Otto, is launching a photo campaign to centre your voices and experiences in research on the intersection of housing and climate change in the North! This is an open call for those interested to submit photographs, along with a brief description and approximate location of each photo, capturing your observations on the… Read More

AHIN Webinar series: Nishnawbe Aski Nation Housing Strategy, January 20, 2023

January 23, 2023

On Friday the At Home in the North partnership has the pleasure of participating in a webinar presentation and discussion given by Michael McKay, Infrastructure and Housing Director at Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) and Dr. Shelagh McCartney, Associate Professor at the School of Urban and Regional Planning at Toronto Metropolitan University and Director of Design Together… Read More
